Wednesday 27 September 2017

Anti - Pejorat.


Words & Symbols have great power, can heal or harm, should be used responsibly & compassionately to help.

Art can Protect, can be beneficial, can help to make one's mind calmer & healthier.

Art can Open Mind, can help to develop Speech as well - improving interpersonal relations.


Pejorative meaning of a word or other symbol means a meaning that is negative, harmful, humiliating.

Too much of insults & slander can cause depression, low self-esteem & other mental problems in someone.

These symptoms are too often causes of suicide attempts & suicides, and of other problems in one's life.

Anti - Pejorat.

Anti-Pejorat is a Pejorat with it's meaning reversed or transformed for different, beneficial message & feelings.

For example: 'Stupid Woman' phrase is insulting, but we can transform understanding of it that it might also be: 'Strong, Independent, Brave'.

Using Anti-Pejorat to protect someone makes one stronger, more able to withstand insults, slander & humiliation.

Credits & a Way.

After meditating in a Buddhist Center i've experienced many insights - thoughts appeared in my Mind, explaining me a lot about Buddhism, about Love & about Interpersonal Relations.

Insights explained me that Karolina Boboli & her Sangha Protected me with Anti - Pejorat.

i felt the difference, my low self esteem, headaches & other mental illness symptoms lessened significiantly, i felt happier as well.

i badly needed that, and i still need that.

i've agreed in my Mind to develop on that Way to Protect others as i was Protected, supporting Karolina & others in this task as well, working both independently, as well as in a Team.

i wish to use every Artful tool on that Way that is Wise & Compassionate to use by me, using & adding Arful tools as is Enlightening, when is Enlightening.

Karolina Boboli & a Buddhist Woman i Love are similar, but are not same person.

See also, if You wish: 'Stupid Wisdom', About meaningful speech & about slander.

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