Wednesday 27 September 2017

Talk With the Universe.


Art does not go unnoticed.

Every act of Art has meaning & effect - on one's Mind & on the Universe.

Art's Speech.

By creating artwork, one's mind state changes, one starts to talk & behave differently.

Body language subtly changes, small animals & microorganisms notice - perhaps others as well.

People, Animals & Microorganism also communicate, move & convey messages - affecting & spreading one's Transmission.

Publishing Art in any way, either in a book, in the Internet, in TV or other media enhances the Reaction.

Reality Changes, often subtly - but not in all cases.

the Art of Magick & Light.

This also applies to Art Style i am creating, the 'Art of Magick & Light' that uses real Buddhism & Esoterics, it's material components, symbols & lore.

i think even spells as simple as making a wish in mind, lighting a candle, as well as complex & elaborate Rituals do have effect on Reality.

Imperfect Telepathy.

When someone is consistent with his or her own Speech, in any Form - either with words or other Art Styles - including Martial Arts Language called Kata Forms - over time others begin to understand him or her clearer, more intuitively.

As someone's understanding of others grow, insights might appear on either or both sides, even if unreliably.

i think this explains Telepathic experiences, when someone 'reads' other's intent more or less accurately - by understanding, by body language, by clothes, by jewelry one wears & uses.

Talk with the Universe.

Many famous Actors think that World is the Stage, and if they play their roles good enough - Gods will notice & react.

This also explains that every thought, word or action - no matter how small or elaborate - is a part of the Talk with the Universe.

-=- Magickal Chalice. -=-

Anti - Pejorat.


Words & Symbols have great power, can heal or harm, should be used responsibly & compassionately to help.

Art can Protect, can be beneficial, can help to make one's mind calmer & healthier.

Art can Open Mind, can help to develop Speech as well - improving interpersonal relations.


Pejorative meaning of a word or other symbol means a meaning that is negative, harmful, humiliating.

Too much of insults & slander can cause depression, low self-esteem & other mental problems in someone.

These symptoms are too often causes of suicide attempts & suicides, and of other problems in one's life.

Anti - Pejorat.

Anti-Pejorat is a Pejorat with it's meaning reversed or transformed for different, beneficial message & feelings.

For example: 'Stupid Woman' phrase is insulting, but we can transform understanding of it that it might also be: 'Strong, Independent, Brave'.

Using Anti-Pejorat to protect someone makes one stronger, more able to withstand insults, slander & humiliation.

Credits & a Way.

After meditating in a Buddhist Center i've experienced many insights - thoughts appeared in my Mind, explaining me a lot about Buddhism, about Love & about Interpersonal Relations.

Insights explained me that Karolina Boboli & her Sangha Protected me with Anti - Pejorat.

i felt the difference, my low self esteem, headaches & other mental illness symptoms lessened significiantly, i felt happier as well.

i badly needed that, and i still need that.

i've agreed in my Mind to develop on that Way to Protect others as i was Protected, supporting Karolina & others in this task as well, working both independently, as well as in a Team.

i wish to use every Artful tool on that Way that is Wise & Compassionate to use by me, using & adding Arful tools as is Enlightening, when is Enlightening.

Karolina Boboli & a Buddhist Woman i Love are similar, but are not same person.

See also, if You wish: 'Stupid Wisdom', About meaningful speech & about slander.

Symbols & Meanings.


'Symbol is never explained forever' -- Carl Jung.

Symbols represent ideas, have meanings that explain what the Symbols represent.

Words, whole phrases, images or other Art works are symbols, these convey messages.


With time languages evolve, words' meanings can be different.

i think that with Art, it's possible to consciously change meaning of a symbol - or even reverse it.

It's dangerous, therefore it's wise to understand how this works.


Art can build mental associations - thoughts & feelings that come to mind when one perceives a symbol.

By consciously building more or less proper associations, we add/reduce/alter meanings to a word or other symbol - then when read, one reacts, feels & thinks differently than before.

More complex works, such as phrases or image-collabs also change meaning when constructed from simpler symbols that had meanings altered.

Whole process is similar to composing arguments, carefully choosing words, definitions & redifinitions to get one's message across.

Integral Speech.

Integral speech & it's usefulness.

Integral speech is speech that is internally consistent, that joins many topics, arguments, forms of expression.

It's easier to speak integrally for oneself, but to join many of different opinions of different people or groups is much more difficult.

It's useful when preparing expression form to tell something to a significiant group of people, representing opinions of many as well.

i think this has uses in Politics, Public Speeches, Arts, Sales, etc ...

How to speak integrally?

i think philosophy & arts can help with that.

i think that expression form should be short, true, strictly to the point.

i think that message should not contain any of contradicting (opposing) arguments in itself.

i think that message should contain as little as possible of countercurrent (leading to opposing conclusions) arguments as well.

Choosing Arguments.

'Symbol is never explained forever.' - Carl Jung.

Symbols represent ideas, are arguments as well.

Word, images, other expression forms might be symbols to be used or not.

Different people react differently, research might be neccessary to check which of similar arguments a target group prefers.

Images or words, etc ... might be given to a tested people's group(s), which image or word they like more?

We can draw components (symbols, arguments) & logic arrows (logical extensions from one symbol to another) as in a graph (important data structure in a computer sciences).

a 'Graph',
a 'Graph' of Arguments' Popularity.

if we wish to say argument 9,
let's take care of supporting arguments as well,
... it's 11 & 8 in this case.

for 11 we should also take care of 5 & 7,
for 8 we should also take care of 7 & 3,
for 5 we should take care of 11 as well.

if we wish to say 10,
let's notice,
argument 10 supports itself,
perhaps we should speak it many of a time.
it's supporting arguments are 11, 10 & 3.

this 'graph' is a 'directed graph',
for there are 'arrows' at the 'ends of the lines',

there are 'cycles' in this 'graph',
11->5->11 & 10->10 in this case,
... arguments we should speak many of a time, perhaps.

We can see which arguments benefit us more, which less ... when considering a group & us.

The same components might have different destinations depending on a target group they model.

Arrows & components might be labelled with 'popularity score', a number next to a component or arrow ... or perhaps a color as well.

See also if you wish or need, ... : Modelling Speech Forms (a computer sciences article).

(to be continued later, if needed or neccessary).

Art Talk.


It's related with Philosophy of Varied Arts, for every Art talks, conveys it's message, can be used in arguments.

Art can use other Art, either by including it without too much of an emphasis, by relating to it, by commenting it's message, style, quality, perhaps more.


Art(s) used in discussion(s) can be used as arguments.

There can be contradicting arguments, directly opposing each other, higher quality & quantity wins usually.

There can be countercurrent arguments, leading to opposite conclusions, even if these are not contradicting themselves immediately.

Transmission of the Art.

It is Transmission of the Art, to speak the same thing in many ways - using voice, gestures, symbolism, requisites - including images in the Internet or Costumes, for example.

That way message will be more clear & complete.

... if You care enough to say something well.

Are arguments useful for Sales only?

Not only,

These are useful as well to support other arguments,

Or to sway a Political (Known) or a Low-Profile (Small Scale, Quiet) decision.

Art Portals & it's Benefits.

Art does not have to reveal itself to the public, but when it does, it's an opportunity to perceive, to enjoy, to use.

Individual media files carry art's messages, can be used to comment words, in a relation ... as illustrations in a book, or in other ways as well.

There are portal sites with an Art, for example:
* 'deviantART',
* 'Art & Dharma Teachings', in making, with me as a person that leads in technical efforts.

Art portals' statistics can be used in arguments, as for example in a phrase:

'This current in art is popular and proves that ... many artists see things that way & create such deeds ... beside artists it's also popular among customers. here are statistics as a proof.'.